

Premedical students gain a strong foundation on which to build their studies at a medical school, leading to successful careers in the burgeoning health industry.

Visit the program 网站 for more information.

学生 are admitted directly into this program.


Medical schools accept students with various majors; premedical students at GVSU commonly choose biomedical sciences, biology, biochemistry, or behavioral neuroscience. 学生 are assigned an advisor to guide them in preparing for professional school and completing the prerequisite coursework to score well on the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).

Grand Valley students are exceptionally competitive. 自2011年以来,65 percent of Grand Valley students with a 3.平均绩点4分或以上 accepted to medical school, with 56 percent on their first 应用程序. This is well above national statistics, where 40 percent 的申请人数目.D. programs are typically accepted.

The preprofessional advising team in the CLAS Academic Advising Center is prepared to help students achieve their dreams of medical school.

  • Doctor (MD or DO) in various specialties
  • Physician assistant (if admitted to a PA graduate program)
  • 法医
  • 生物化学家
  • 研究助理
  • 实验室助理
  • Hospital administrator
  • Clinical research associate
  • Health care recruiter

Why Pursue 医学预科的研究 at Grand Valley?

  • Premedical students at GVSU have access to state-of-the-art labs, including a cadaver lab, that provide unique and rigorous preparation for medical school.
  • The advising team maintains a robust preprofessional 网站 to help students find various resources and connect to shadowing and volunteer opportunities. The team also coordinates various workshops and events throughout the year to support premedical students, in coordination with Michigan medical schools and the GVSU Career Center. Such events include a suture clinic led by local medical students, a healthcare experience panel comprised of local employers, professional and graduate school fairs, personal statement workshops, and medical school interview preparation.
  • 学生 can join the PreMed Club which connects students with medical school admission representatives, current medical students (GVSU alumni), and volunteer and networking opportunities.
  • Premedical students are provided with a high level of support through the medical school 应用程序 process, one-on-one advising, webinars/workshops, and 应用程序 review services.
  • GVSU has partnerships with five of the seven Michigan medical schools, where students can apply through Early Assurance 项目 or the WMedStart program.

位置 & 格式

Undergraduate students in this major study at the Grand Valley 艾伦代尔 校园.

  • 面对面


Grand Valley offers all the courses necessary to gain admission to medical school and prepare fully for the MCAT, including:

  • 解剖学 & 生理学
  • 生物化学
  • 生物学
  • 尸体实验室
  • 普通化学
  • 有机化学
  • 物理
  • Social sciences/humanities


Premedical students who graduate from GVSU and are successful in being admitted to medical school or other professional schools go on to hold positions such as:

Those not going on to medical school find careers as a:

Combined Degree 项目

Most undergraduate majors that premedical students pursue can be combined with a master's degree if a student decides they would like to earn both a bachelor's and master's degree before starting 医学院. On average, students save $8,500 in our combined degree programs and take up to four fewer classes than if earning the 度分别.

You can even build your own combined degree from programs in different disciplines to further personalize your education and meet specific career goals.


Hands-on learning and other fieldwork not only deepen your mastery of your discipline but also give you the edge employers seek. Visit our experience matters page to see the work GVSU students are doing in their co-ops and internships.

Admission Requirements

Visit the 博天堂官方 网站 for undergraduate requirements.


CLAS Academic Advising

mak c - 1 - 120
(616) 331-8585