CPT | Curricular Practical Training

Work Authorization while Studying for F-1 Students


CPT代表课程实践培训,是F-1学生签证的一项福利. CPT is work authorization for F-1 students before graduation. 学生只要符合所有要求,就有资格申请CPT, including departmental approval and course registration

Learn more below:


如果你计划在校外从事带薪工作,你必须提交一份 CPT request form and be issued a new I-20 authorizing the CPT work. You may NOT work until you have your new I20.


CPT Application Requirements

In order to be authorized for CPT, you must first have the following complete:

  1.  Job offer letter
  2.  Faculty Approval Form
  3.  Cooperative Agreement Form
  4.  Registration for the corresponding course

Once you have all of the above ready, apply using the form linked above.

CPT Immigration Regulations

CPT代表课程实践培训,授权F-1国际学生在完成学位要求期间在校外工作. 学生必须通过我们的办公室(ISS)授权CPT在校外工作; 没有CPT授权,国际学生不得在校外工作. 国际学生可以在没有CPT授权的情况下自愿或接受无薪实习, 如果无薪工作是课程的核心组成部分,学生应该寻求CPT授权. The ISS Team will be able to help the student determine if this is necessary.  

CPT的授权以学生注册相关课程的学期为基础. CPT授权日期与学期大致相同,不能超过4次.5 months per authorization. iStudents cannot begin work until they have their new CPT I-20. 在I-20开始日期之前的工作是违反其状态的. 

学生可以在秋季参加全日制或非全日制CPT课程 & Winter semesters based on the total number of hours they work

  • Part-time CPT 每周工作1-20小时,包括校内和校外工作
  • Full-time CPT 每周工作21-40小时,包括校内和校外工作

如果学生在其学位期间被授权参加全日制CPT的时间超过365天, they lose their ability to have OPT. Part-time CPT does not affect a student's ability to have OPT.

  • OPT stands for Optional Practical Training and is a benefit of the F-1 student visa
  • OPT允许在毕业后在美国任何地方工作1年(STEM最多3年),但仅限于学生的学习领域/专业

Will I be authorized for part-time or full-time CPT?

CPT的授权是基于iStudent在一周内工作的总时数. This means on-campus and off-campus work are combined.

  • 兼职CPT每周工作1-20小时,包括校内和校外工作
  • 全职CPT每周工作21-40小时,包括校内和校外工作

For example, 如果一个学生每周有20小时的GA,每周在校外实习地点工作12小时, the student will be authorized for Full-Time CPT. 

What is the 365 day rule?

在攻读学位期间从事365天或以上全日制CPT工作的学生, lose their ability to work on OPT after graduation. 兼职CPT不影响学生毕业后从事OPT工作的能力.

Some programs, such as Engineering, 需要3个学期的全日制CPT才能达到他们的合作学位要求. 这些课程的学生必须非常注意,在他们的学位期间,不要超过365天的全日制CPT. 工程部门意识到这一限制,学生可以在不超过365天的全日制CPT的情况下成功完成他们的合作学位要求. 


CPT的授权基于学生所修课程与工作经验相关的学期. 如果学生想在同一雇主工作多个学期, they must apply for CPT multiple times.

For example, 如果学生在一家公司实习一整个学年(8月至4月), 他们需要在8月份申请与秋季课程相关的CPT,并在11月或12月再次申请与冬季课程相关的CPT.

Do I have to register for a new course every semester I work on CPT?

Yes. CPT的授权基于与工作经验相关的课程. So each semester an iStudent wants to work under CPT, 他们需要注册学院同意的与工作经验相关的课程,学生必须申请单独的CPT授权.

每学期注册新课程的唯一例外是,如果学院认为工作没有完成,从前一个学期的CPT授权,并分配一个不完整的成绩(字母“i”)。. In this case, the student registers for the course one semester, is assigned a letter "i" grade, and completes the work the following semester. 如果是这种情况,iStudent仍然需要在下一个学期申请CPT. 

I was given an Incomplete grade for my work on CPT. Do I have to apply for CPT again?

Yes. CPT是基于学生所修课程的学期. 如果学生需要继续他们的CPT授权到下学期,因为他们的工作相关的课程是不完整的, 他们必须重新申请CPT,并在表格上注明该课程是上学期的课程,并且他们的成绩是“i”. 

How many hours can I work during the Summer while on CPT?

Since Spring/Summer semester is considered a break, 你可以每周工作40个小时,结合CPT和校内工作. Check out these scenarios to better understand how this works:

Scenario 1:
20小时兼职CPT + 20小时在校学习=每周总共40小时
Yes! 这在春夏学期适用,因为这是一个休息学期,总共允许40个小时.

Scenario 2:
30小时的全日制CPT + 10小时的校内学习=每周总共40小时
Yes! CPT is always considered full-time if over 20 hours per week.

Scenario 3:
40 hours on Full-time CPT + 40 hours on-campus = 80 hours per week
NO! This is not permitted. Even with full-time CPT authorization, you are permitted to work a total of 40 hours on and off-campus. This would be a violation of your immigration status.

Page last modified December 6, 2023